
What's New and Trending

At Southeast Stone, we love finding the most beautiful and exotic stones to make your decorating....


Gold Macaubus Quartzite

Gold Macaubus Quartzite is an excellent choice for those seeking a material that offers both beauty and functionality. Its creamy beige base and striking gold rust veining makes it a versatile option for a wide range of applications, from outdoor kitchens to indoor countertops.
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Amazonic Green Quartzite

Amazonic Green Quartzite is a highly polished natural stone celebrated for its vibrant colors. This quartzite is ideal for use in kitchens, bar tops, fireplaces, and outdoor kitchens. It showcases unique emerald green tones with white veining outlined by fine brown veining. Quartzite is very durable and resistant to heat, scratches, and stains in high-traffic areas.
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Bora Bora Quartzite

Bora Bora quartzite is a striking and exotic natural stone, making it an ideal option for anyone in search of durable yet visually appealing material. Bora Bora exhibits gray and aqua veining, with striking dark gray linear veining, making it an excellent choice for creating a bold statement on a large island or wall feature.
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HBA Natural Stone Institute Certified Company. Surface Care PRO Partner. Click to verify. CFHLA Custom Stone Fabricator Houzz